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What Should You Eat When Preparing For The UPSC Exam?

What Should You Eat When Preparing For The UPSC Exam?

Maintaining a healthy weight is another important consideration. This is for the benefit of both your health and the UPSC board exam, in addition to your health. According to studies, an interviewer’s subliminal judgments about a candidate’s physical appearance are influenced.

While it’s true that appearance shouldn’t be used to judge someone, this factor does matter when creating an impression. A responsible person has a physically healthy appearance, which is a sign of excellent health. You gain tons of assurance as a result of it.

1.  Balanced Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for anyone preparing for the IAS Exams. Three substantial meals per day that give your body all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and alert throughout the day make up a well-balanced diet. Try to include a lot of fresh fruits and veggies in your diet each day; this will help you reduce stress and develop a strong body and immune system. Avoid skipping meals or delaying mealtimes to accommodate your IAS study schedule; dining on time will help you study more effectively and quickly.

2.  Heavy and Healthy Breakfast

The most crucial meal of the day is breakfast, which is common knowledge, but most people choose to disregard this fact. Even though skipping breakfast to save 20 minutes might seem like a good plan, doing so will make you feel drained and exhausted. For IAS candidates, a hearty and healthy breakfast is even more crucial because the brain functions at its best in the early morning, and a filling meal boosts the brain’s ability to comprehend information.

3.  Eat Frequent Meals

When large meals are consumed all at once, blood flow and energy are diverted to the digestive process, which results in a drowsy, lethargic sensation. But you should focus your energy on your intellect if you’re preparing for the challenging compulsory subjects for UPSC exam, don’t you think? IAS candidates should choose to consume small, frequent meals throughout the day rather than going on a binge-eating binge. IAS candidates can also eat wholesome snacks and small meals throughout the day to keep them satisfied and energized at the same time.

4.  Try to Drink Water Every Half an Hour

Students preparing for the IAS exams should start thinking of water as their best friend right away. You would have found more than enough justifications for the necessity of including water in your diet during the course of your general studies preparation. Consider this if you need any more justifications: Being dehydrated can make you feel lethargic, irritable, and exhausted.

It can also affect your concentration, making it challenging for you to concentrate and study effectively. Additionally, drinking water doesn’t have to be basic; you can add flavor by choosing fruit juices, herbal teas, or any other combinations that may appeal to you. However, stay away from coffee and anything else that contains caffeine because they won’t be of long-term benefit to you.

5.  Take Brain-Boosting Beverages and Foods

A person’s body and overall mood may respond differently to various food items. Therefore, it is crucial for IAS aspirants to include the proper food items in their everyday schedule. Always prioritize foods that are high in proteins as a general guideline.

Proteins play a crucial role in nutrition because they burn slowly, providing the body with a steady supply of energy and enabling you to feel replete for extended periods of time. Try to include low-fat foods like eggs, nuts, curd, cottage cheese, and other items in your everyday diet as well. Eggs, poha, idlis, dosas, and dhokla are a few light meal options that can be helpful for you as you study for exams.

6.  Avoid Brain-Blocking Foods and Beverages

In keeping with the aforementioned recommendation, IAS candidates should attempt to steer clear of any foods that might make them feel drowsy or exhausted. One such food category that is digested very rapidly and may make you feel the need to eat more frequently is carbohydrates. Avoid processed and sugary foods like chocolate, pastries, cakes, and chocolates. You can also cut carb-rich foods like white bread, potatoes, and rice out of your diet.

7.  Protect Your Stomach

It’s critical to protect your stomach so that an unexpected illness doesn’t interfere with your negative marking in UPSC prelims study plan. Try incorporating curd and buttermilk into your nutrition on a regular basis to achieve this. Both of these products contain beneficial bacteria that can assist you in overcoming issues with acidity, digestion, constipation, and overall stomach upset.

8.  Avoid Eating Outside

You should attempt to avoid eating anything from outside sources, even though, for some IAS candidates, it might be impossible. If the food isn’t made at home, you can never be positive about the level of quality, health, and hygiene that was used.

Unless the food is made at home, you can never be sure of the quality, health, and hygiene practices used during the food preparation stage. In the recent past, there have been numerous instances of food contamination and poisoning. It is best to either self-cook your food or have it prepared at home by a reliable individual in order to avoid any such situation.

9.  Regular Exercise

Exercise is a fantastic exercise to include in your mental health care regimen and can be used as a break from studying. You feel happier after a decent workout because exercise floods your brain with endorphins, a hormone that makes you feel good.

There are numerous options for how to work out. Spend your time outside playing sports like football, volleyball, cricket, badminton, table tennis, or normal tennis if you enjoy sports but detest spending hours in the gym performing the same exercises. Additionally, you have the choice of running or walking in the park.

Wrapping Up!

It is rare for an IAS aspirant to have the leisure or the desire to care for themselves. A student doesn’t pay much mind to his or her health until an illness takes over. You alone are in charge of your health; keep that in mind. If you neglect it, it won’t be long before you develop an illness, lethargy, and a lack of energy to even sit up, much less prepare for the IAS test.


Can I get fit while preparing for UPSC?

To unwind and feel comfortable, it is important to sit & meditate as well as practice breathing techniques like Pranayama. Your body and mind will remain healthy and fit this way. Several applicants think that UPSC preparation is tougher and dizzier because it is one of the hardest exams to pass. Amidst this, you need to remain calm.

Should I leave the gym for UPSC?

You should exercise physically while preparing for the UPSC civil services, including light exercise, sports, brief walks, etc. Your energy will be boosted by exercise and any tiredness will go.

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